KAROOFRESH has taken on yet another pioneering project.
Over the course of time Karoo farmers always had to deal with many natural and other stress factors. The harsh climate of the Karoo, the arid soil, and unreliable electricity in the region leaves little room for error. But the harsh sun, one of humanity’s most valuable, yet underutilised resources, can be applied to man’s benefit.
KAROOFRESH in a joint venture with Sun Exchange, are currently constructing a completely off-grid solar installation and have already reached Phase 2 of KAROOFRESH’s solar and energy crowdsale. Integrated battery storage means solar energy from our cells can be used 24 hours a day, maximising productivity and CO2 reduction.
This project marks a turning point for Sun Exchange members to address energy security and reliability, and in turn more predictable income.
"Not only will it enable us to broaden the reach of our produce throughout South Africa and beyond, but it will literally empower us to offer Solar Energy to the people."
"Sustainability is our passion. Here at KAROOFRESH sustainable farming means taking care of the land we love, the environment and our staff. We hope to set a precedent for medium, independent, non-corporate farmers to seek sustainable alternatives to farm without having to fully rely on centralised electricity. We believe and apply sustainable farming methods – Now we can apply it without the challenges of unreliable electricity sources in the region."
Water supply is vital in farming – this solar project will provide greater water storage capacity during the wettest time of the year in the Karoo, enabling the development of storage dams to increase production on the farm during the driest seasons.